
An ‘As Built’ drawing – also known as an ‘As Installed’ or ‘As Constructed’ drawing – shows the actual position of pipe work and sanitary fixtures as they have been installed by the plumbing contractor.

We provide two types of service for As Built drawings:

  1. We come on-site and measure the position of all the installed hydraulic services either during installation or at the completion, or
  2. We use marked-up plans that you provide showing the position of all the installed hydraulic services.

You will receive the ‘As Built’ drawing as an AutoCAD.dwg file format and in .pdf file format.

Our charge for this ‘As Built’ drawing service is based on our hourly rate. Please call Carl on 0428 828 629 for details.

Inquire about your As Built today

Carl is quick to respond.

RING NOW ON 0428 828 629

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